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Hatching Eggs: A Fun and Rewarding Experience

So, you've got yourself some shipped hatching eggs and you're ready to get started. But, wait a minute! Before you dive in, it's important to understand the proper way to care for those eggs to give them the best chance at hatching. Don't worry, it's not rocket science, just follow these simple tips and you'll be on your way to a successful hatch.

  1. Check 'em out: When your eggs arrive, give them a quick inspection for any cracks or damage. If you find any, don't even bother incubating them, they won't hatch.

  2. Store with care: Put your eggs in a cool, dry spot with the pointy end facing down. This helps keep the air cell inside the egg intact and improves the hatch rate.

  3. Shine a light: Before incubating, take a look inside each egg using a technique called candling. This involves holding the egg up to a bright light to see what's going on inside. If it's a fertile egg, you'll see a dark spot in the center, indicating a developing embryo.

  4. Get incubating: Now that you've got all the fertile eggs, it's time to put them in the incubator. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for temperature and humidity, as these can vary based on the species of egg you're hatching.

  5. Keep an eye on things: Make sure to regularly check on the eggs and maintain the temperature and humidity levels in the incubator. And don't forget to turn those eggs at least three times a day to prevent the yolk from sticking to the inside of the shell.

  6. Clean it up: Keep your incubator clean to prevent bacteria growth and keep your eggs healthy.

  7. Hatching time: The time it takes for eggs to hatch can vary, but for chicken eggs, it's typically 21 days. And, don't be tempted to open the incubator during the hatching process, it can mess with the temperature and humidity levels.

So, there you have it! With these tips in mind, you're ready to care for your shipped hatching eggs and have a successful hatch. Good luck!

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