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Keeping Chickens Healthy In the Rain

Raising chickens is fun, but let's be real, rainy seasons can be a real pain in the feathers. All that moisture can lead to all sorts of health problems for our feathered friends, so it's important to take some extra steps to keep them healthy and happy.

First things first, ventilation is key. Chickens need fresh air to stay healthy and a damp, poorly ventilated coop can lead to all sorts of respiratory issues and even mold. Make sure your coop has plenty of windows or vents to let in fresh air and consider adding a small fan to circulate it.

Next, let's talk about keeping the coop and run dry. Make sure the coop is on elevated ground and that the run has good drainage. If you notice the ground in the run getting muddy, throw some straw or sawdust down to absorb the moisture.

Also, it's super important that your chickens have a dry place to roost at night. Make sure the roosting bars are elevated and not in a drafty or damp area. And don't forget, wet feathers can lead to hypothermia, so make sure your birds have a dry place to go if they do get wet.

Nutrition is also a big deal when it comes to keeping chickens healthy. Wet feed can spoil quickly, so make sure it's dry and stored in a sealed container. And always make sure they have access to fresh water.

All in all, keeping chickens healthy during rainy seasons is a bit more work, but it's totally worth it to make sure our feathered friends are happy and healthy. By providing proper ventilation, a dry living space, and proper nutrition, we can help keep our chickens healthy and safe during the rainy seasons.

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